Sunday, December 16, 2012

Checking daily activity

Every evening, I quickly access and check to see if there was daily activity among all the students for which I am their coach.  It's a quick and easy way Khan Academy provides me to check to see if any students have been active on the site that day.  This has become something I really look forward to, and I have saved several screenshots to demonstrate just how active some of my students are.  The chart that I access also tells me which skills each student worked on during his/her time on the site.  With a couple more mouse clicks, I can see detailed activity from each student, broken down by today's activity, yesterday's, last seven days, or last thirty days.  Khan Academy provides a focus chart, specific to each student, filled with detailed data.  The data includes the name of each skill, time working on each skill, number of problems correct out of number of problems attempted.

Generally I will see if a student completes a skill during the evening, so I am prepared to congratulate them the next morning when I see them in school.  Sometimes students catch me first and ask "Mr. Oldfield, did you see I passed last night?!"  Last week I congratulated a young lady who demonstrated proficiency in 2-step equations, she had completed 188 problems before she had finally demonstrated proficiency.  This young lady started to cry when I congratulated her.  She had worked really hard for a couple weeks trying to understand and master 2-step equations.  It's success stories like this that I wish I could share with more people.  I know Khan Academy isn't a miracle cure, but it's certainly helping.

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